Finding kids
They are everywhere, hordes of street kids romping in streets anywhere in India. Ideally you should have no problem locating kids who are not enrolled; there are 8 million children out of school, as per government statistics.
If you have difficulty finding kids in your area, you need to enquire from local service providers – the tea stall vendors, rickshaw pullers, vegetable vendors if their kids are enrolled. If possible, try going to a peripheral area or a slum area and pitch your tents there for the class.
The best place to look out for kids is a construction site – most of the construction sites house families of laborers who usually stay with their kids and this is the strata which is reluctant to send their kids off to school because of the migrant nature of their work.
Finding place to teach
Éclair is a classroom without a room. You don’t necessarily need a closed space to teach.
Look for an open space – a community park or shade of a tree. Teaching in an open space has its benefits; you don’t need to publicize even. There are curious passersby who enquire about something out-of-the-box happening in the vicinity.
You can also negotiate with nearby schools and take permission to teach in their empty classrooms in the evenings!
Teaching kids is not a cakewalk, it requires commitment, perseverance and passion on your part.
You may start with the alphabet, elementary mathematics and educational activities. The beauty of an éclair class lies in the flexibility of its curriculum – you may bend it in any way that suits the context.
For a details of the curriculum, ask us for the How to Éclair? Manual at
Spread the word
If you have completed teaching for about a week or more, the synergy effects in you, will start showing. The important thing is to communicate it to others in an effective manner.
Talk to your school friends about what you are doing and invite them as guest teachers in your little éclair. Make sure you fix an appointment with them and detail them about what they have to teach for the day. Your friend can download some videos on shapes, colors or alphabet and bring it on a laptop to show the kids, or he/she can conduct a game or a fun filled activity in the class.
Use social networking sites like Facebook to publicize about your éclair in your circle. Post pictures and little anecdotes from the classroom on your profile. Once you start eclairing, you shall have plenty of them to share.
Publicize in your school, college through clubs and societies or distribute flyers around in the break(with the permission of the school authorities).
Blog your experiences.
Write to a local newspaper about the work you are doing.
Write to or personally meet the area counselor and convince him/her about the need to educate these kids and get them enrolled in nearby schools.
Getting kids enrolled
The final step is the most challenging one – that of getting kids enrolled in regular schools.
Various socio-economic factors are at work. You need to talk to their parents and convince them about the need to school the kids. Convey the government’s initiative of RTE that gives every right to free and compulsory education.
Read about the RTE thoroughly and confidently approach principals of schools in your area as a representative of the kids.
If you face problems there, write to your MLA.
Remember, you were privileged enough to be born on the upper side of the poverty line and can read this planner’s guide with ease. Those poor kids were not. You have to become a voice for them and help them fight illiteracy in their generations to come. Your endeavors may not be rewarded in the immediate short term – nobody will come and adorn you will garlands for teaching their kids. It is in the long run, when the kids will grow up, the reward of your work will kiss your feet. You will have contributed your bit to human development in the country. You will stand up a citizen of India with a long list of rights and DUTIES that you will have fulfilled.